Bridal fashion

1930s wedding dresses

The 1930s are considered the Great Depression, let's see how this affected the wedding dresses of that time. Many wedding photos have been preserved in the family archives, so we can get a very clear idea of ​​wedding dresses and accessories for brides of the 1930s.

Wedding dresses showcase the controversial fashion of the 30s. During this period, the world was overwhelmed by an economic crisis, in Europe the ideology of fascism was gaining strength and Great War... On the other hand, 1930 is the heyday of Hollywood glamor, artificial beauty and pictorial luxury.

1930s wedding dresses and brides
1930s wedding dresses and brides

Wedding photos of 1930s brides

Wedding dresses were made of satin or silk, sometimes crepe and lace guipure. According to the wedding fashion of those years, the dress should have at least a small train. Some seductive models were adorned with a cutout on the back.

Wedding Dress, like the evening dress, had to flow and emphasize the curves of the body. And at this time, an important wedding accessory is a veil or other headdress. It is rare for a bride to appear at a ceremony with her head uncovered, although in some cases only a lace net was dispensed with.

1930s wedding dresses and brides

Lately, the media very often talk about the crisis that has already come into our lives, and very soon it will cover the whole world and change the world order. Only in reality there is nothing to be afraid of, remember the crisis of 1929, which is called the Great Depression. If you believe historical data, then in the United States, many people were simply dying of hunger.

But even during this time, there was room for sumptuous wedding dresses and radiant glamor. At all times there is a place for luxury and need, so it has always been and so it will be. It would be very boring if everyone lived well-fed and rich.

Wedding dress with a train
Wedding dress with a train

1930s wedding dress
1930s wedding dress
1930s wedding dress

Wedding dress with a train
Wedding - vintage photo

1930s wedding photo
1930s wedding photo
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