Perfumery with aromas of balsam trees
Amazing substances in their sound can be called substances that are products of a special kind of trees, balsam trees. These substances include Tolu Balm, Elemi Balm, Peruvian Balm, Styrax, Cayenne Frankincense, Myrrh
Russian braid and girls with braids
They say that if a woman has long hair, she dreams of a short haircut, and if a short haircut, she dreams of long hair. What a woman dreams about - you can talk a lot on this topic. But beautiful hair is every woman's dream ...
Tomato and tomato masks in cosmetology
Cosmetologists have long noticed and are using the beneficial properties of tomato for the skin and for health in general. Tomato improves complexion, moisturizes, prevents wrinkles ...
Perfumery with quince aroma
Quince is one of the oldest fruit crops cultivated by man. The use of quince has been known for over four thousand years. Its homeland is the Caucasus, from here this plant got to Central Asia, and then ...
Hairstyles of Spain of the 16th - 17th centuries
At the end of the 16th - beginning of the 17th centuries. Spain has become not only a politically strong state, but also one of the cultural centers of Europe. This period is not for nothing called the "golden age" in the history of Spain.
Thermal water for facial beauty
Almost every spa center offers a thermal shower. For 10 - 15 minutes thermal water, rich in mineral salts, is sprayed. The skin is not only moisturized, but also saturated with microelements.
Why does hair get dry in winter?
Spring is coming, and we want to quickly take off our hats, scarves and shawls and show off our luxurious hair, feel the cool spring breeze fluttering our curls. But are they that luxurious?
Geranium essential oil
Each flower has its own scent, and it is like the finishing touch of its perfection. Our favorite and recognizable among all fragrances - they each of us have our own, because people react to them differently, and this is the essence of our genes. Therefore, in the description of the fragrance, different
History of hairstyles in Germany
The most common female German hairstyles are various types of braids. They could also wear artificial braids. But the recognized beauties were obliged to have their own, natural, long and thick braids ...
Linseed extract shampoo
The shampoo gives the hair vitality, it becomes soft and manageable, maintains a lush hairstyle even under a hat, that is, it quickly solves a problem that often worries women with thin hair ...
Fragrances from perfumer Aurelien Guichard
Aurelien Guichard's perfumes are very popular. And this is not accidental, because when a perfumer creates his creation, he dreams. And the spirits created by him contain the secret, the soul of the author. One breath is enough and an amazing world of fragrances ...
Orange essential oil and its properties
The mention of the orange, about its healing properties, can be found in Chinese manuscripts dated 2200 BC. NS. The fruits were used to prepare medicinal mixtures, and the aromatic oil obtained from the peel was used for incense ...
Perfumes from India
It is impossible to imagine India without aromas. Aromas accompany everywhere here. Their presence is everywhere, not only in churches, but also at weddings and at any family celebrations. Aromas such as rose, nutmeg, cinnamon, cloves, patchouli ...
Hand care in spring and summer
Hands, like other parts of the body, require care and attention to themselves. And every woman understands that the beautiful skin of the hands is far from the last place. For the skin of the hands to be healthy and beautiful, a sufficient set of ...
What vitamins are useful in spring
It is usually said that by spring, due to a lack of fruits and vegetables, the body needs vitamins more than ever. But it turns out that most vitamins dissolve well in water and are quickly flushed out of the body, therefore ...
History of hairstyles in Byzantium
Byzantium is a state that has not existed for a very long time. But at the same time, the state has left a significant mark on history. After all, it was Byzantium that throughout the Middle Ages was the heir to the Roman Empire.
Secrets of perfumery
Today will not be publishing a new master class on making a new scent at home. Now I want to tell you about other secrets and amazing features of perfumery.
History of perfumery - arabic perfumery
Where the ancient art of perfumery first originated is hidden from us in the mists of time. Some historians say that its origins are in Mesopotamia, others claim that it happened precisely in Arabia, which has long been called “the country


