The perfect anti-aging makeup for the New Year 2021
Now is the time to think over the New Year's look, including makeup. We all want to look younger, and especially on New Years, because every holiday makes us a year older. Today we will consider the rules of anti-aging makeup for the most important
Manicure for the New Year 2021: the best ideas
The perfect image for the New Year is created by details - from mood to dress, hairstyle and manicure. Nail design is a small but very important detail. Today offers manicure ideas based on current trends and preferences of the patron of 2021 ...
TOP images for the New Year 2021: photos and ideas continues to share stylish tips and ideas. Today we will look at thoughtful images for the New Year 2021 from stylist Yulia Melekhova ...
Fashion trends in women's shoes spring-summer 2021
If you are not going to go into the absolute economy mode and have not yet given up your purchases, invites you to familiarize yourself with the shoe trends of the spring-summer 2021 season. Stylist Elena Klimenko offers an overview of the collections ...
What to spend New Year's holidays: stylish looks
New Year's holidays can be spent in different ways. offers to spend the first 10 days of 2021 as interesting and beautiful as possible. To do this, we need to think over at least 3-5 images for different days and situations ...
Choosing a dress for the New Year 2021
There is still a lot of time before the New Year, so you can change your mind several times in what to celebrate the holiday, and as a result, prepare a dozen options. New Year's holidays are special this time, so the stock of images for different occasions will come in handy….
TOP 5 Winter Hats to Look Younger
Russia has a long cold season, while for many women the choice of a headdress is a real problem. Today offers to get acquainted with hats that will warm you in winter and even help you look a little younger ...
What should women over 50 wear in winter?
A great overview from the stylist - a lot of useful tips for composing images and photo examples. In winter in Russia, even many girls forget about style and beauty, and simply wrap themselves up solely for the sake of warmth ...
Perfume for the New Year: fragrances with a festive mood
New Year is the most important holiday, so you need to please yourself with new perfumery. offers a selection of fragrances with a festive mood. This perfume will be a great addition to your evening look for Christmas, New Year and all the holidays ...
Men's clothes in women's wardrobe: what to buy?
The men resigned themselves to the fact that women borrowed all of their clothing and accessories. At first, many were annoyed by the girls in men's shoes, but today everyone is used to it. At the same time, not all women have learned to wear these things stylishly ...
How to choose a dress that hides age
Rejuvenation in all available ways, with the help of cosmetics, clothes and accessories, hair coloring is our favorite topic. Today offers to deal with dresses. What dresses will help you look younger and ...
Top 5 stylish gifts for the most beloved
On the eve of the New Year, choosing gifts is an important, but sometimes difficult task. How to choose a gift to please your loved one as much as possible ...
Curvy Style: Get Stylish, Lose Weight Later
Everyone wants to have an ideal figure, but in life there are so many worries and difficulties that not everyone has the strength to do everything. Therefore, we put beauty and style aside all the time. And you can be stylish today, without waiting for weight loss ...
White blouse: stylish ideas for office outfits
A white blouse with trousers or a skirt creates the perfect office look. Only most often such images are monotonous and boring. How to maintain individuality in the workplace and not merge with other employees ...
How I came to minimalism: personal experience
Not everyone likes minimalism, we often perceive minimalism as a limitation. Although deliberate restrictions on purchases and consumption in general can be beneficial. Today we will get acquainted with the experience of Eleanor ...
How to find the best clothing color combinations
The combination of colors and shades in clothes is a real stylish science that will help you attract attention and even look younger than your age. Today we will look at stylish looks and learn the main rules for combining colors ...
New Year's collections 2021 from Russian brands
We have studied in detail all the collections from Fashion Weeks and looked at the offers of mass market stores, and today we will put in a word about Russian brands. What outfits for the New Year are offered by our designers ...
Top 7 best vintage perfumes that never age
Most perfumery fragrances quickly lose their relevance, but there are perfumes that live longer than people, time has no power over them. Today invites you to recall 7 famous perfumes that never get old ...


