
Why shopping malls and shops are emptying

Walking through shops, clothing markets and shopping centers, you will notice that there are fewer buyers, some shops are closing, and entire floors are emptying in shopping centers. Sometimes only on the first floor there is trade, and if you go up to the second floor, you will meet 1-2 buyers there. The third and fourth floors in some malls are completely empty, and even escalators are turned off there.

At first glance, this situation looks sad and even alarming, you start to wonder - really the standard of living of the population has fallen so much and everything is so bad! But not everything is so simple, shops are empty for several reasons. The first reason is the rise in prices for goods and a decrease in the income of the population, but this is not the only reason.

Communicating with different people, I can say the following - many began to shop more thoughtfully and restrainedly for a different reason. The crisis and the rise in prices made buyers wonder whether I really need this or that thing.

Personally, I have stopped going shopping altogether and have not made any purchases lately, except for groceries and some household trifles. And it's not about extreme need, just thanks to the crisis, I was able to see - I already have a lot of things that are not used. For example, shoes, over the past summer, about half or even more summer shoes have not been put on even once! The list goes on and on.

Why shopping malls and shops are emptying

Therefore, one of the answers to the question - why shopping centers and shops are emptying, will be the following - many people have absolutely everything! Although you cannot save enough for a lifetime, therefore, after a year or two, the population will again have a need for purchases, and then trade will revive. Then there will be growth, and then a new crisis, and it will always be so, because no market can rise or fall indefinitely.

In addition to the satiety of buyers, online stores and the notorious aliexpress are of great importance. It is aliexpress that replaces the mall for many citizens, because there is a fantastic choice and often the most favorable prices. In general, the world is changing, the habits and behavior of people are changing, which means that trade will change. Therefore, many stores and shopping centers will simply die as unnecessary, and their place will be taken by aliexpress and other stores, Internet services of the new era.

How to take it? You can be sad and regretful, but nothing will change from this. Let us recall the story when machines and factories replaced manual labor and thousands of craftsmen and craftswomen were left without work. The offended people staged protest actions, tried to fight against scientific and technological progress and technologies, but in any case, they lost.

Today, the world and trade are changing thanks to the Internet and it is useless to fight it. You can accept new rules and make big money, or you can resist changes and end up with a broken trough.

Why shopping malls and shops are emptying
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