Cosmetics and makeup
Cosmetics certification marks
We're back to organic cosmetics again. But not for the purpose of persuasion - to use only organic cosmetics. It's just that feels the need to bring to you all that interesting and necessary about cosmetics that will help to make your
What is the difference between natural cosmetics and organic
Now many girls are eager to buy natural cosmetics. And this is true. If it is important for you that cosmetics do not contain chemical products, then when buying cosmetics, pay attention to the packaging, where you should see ...
Thermal water for facial beauty
Almost every spa center offers a thermal shower. For 10 - 15 minutes thermal water, rich in mineral salts, is sprayed. The skin is not only moisturized, but also saturated with microelements.
Natural cosmetic has repeatedly devoted its pages to natural cosmetics, but this topic is important and inexhaustible, so we come back to the discussion of natural cosmetics again and again.
Studying the ingredients of tonics
When it's cold outside, it is better to use toners with the addition of glycerin, which literally draws moisture from the air into the skin ...
How to use tonics correctly
Many are of the opinion that tonics are outdated as a skin care product, others are of a different opinion. How are things really?
French brand Sisley
The French brand Sisley has a rich history and produces many different products, but today we will talk exclusively about cosmetics from Sisley.
Again about BB creams
All women's sites and, including, have already talked about BB creams, but another good publication will not be superfluous in our collection, because the Internet was created for this, to store knowledge and make it available to everyone.
Vintage Soviet powder boxes has already told the story of Soviet perfumery and even devoted entire publications to individual fragrances. Today we will remember the Soviet cosmetics, namely powder and powder compacts.
World history of cosmetics
With the help of cosmetics, you can become more beautiful, or you can completely change your image. Cosmetics help to hide flaws and highlight advantages. She also gives additional self-confidence and much more ...
Two options for everyday makeup
The most important rule of everyday makeup is that makeup should be invisible.
How to improve complexion
When we talk about improving the complexion, first of all, we start using preparations containing whitening ingredients. However, ... in cosmetology there are other ways to influence skin color.
Dead Sea Properties
The Dead Sea, despite its name, has healing properties, thanks to which women fell in love many centuries ago.
Leopard eye makeup
We create the image of a glamorous predator - we do leopard eye makeup.
Original makeup ideas
There are many rules in makeup, but, as you know, all or almost all of the rules can be broken. This publication will suggest original ideas, thanks to which you can create new images and get new impressions.
Dark glossy lipstick
How to wear dark glossy lipstick? You can ask a stylist on this topic, or you can tell fortunes from the stars - do you believe in astrology? Although no, the stars of heaven will not be able to solve this question, here you need to ask the stars of the earth ...
Cosmetics for the dead
Do you love gothic and vamp makeup looks? has written on this topic more than once, and today we will see cosmetics for the real dead! Many people want to look attractive and seductive even in a coffin ...
What lips can tell
A small fun test for girls and curious men, it will tell you how to find out more about a girl's character thanks to a lipstick print ...


