Summer foot care
In the summer, most people prefer open shoes, which means their legs should look perfect, because they will be in plain sight.
Facial whitening products is a supporter of a healthy lifestyle and white skin, therefore, it constantly publishes more and more new materials dedicated to skin whitening. Today we will look at whitening products based on fruit acids.
Gymnastics for the face
Besides creams and beauty salons, there are many methods for achieving beauty and health. For example, rejuvenating facial gymnastics, which, unlike salon procedures and caring cosmetics, is absolutely free.
Secrets of Japanese women
Each nation has its own history and traditions, secrets and recipes. offers to explore and borrow the beauty secrets of Japanese women.
Acids in cosmetology
AHA acids accelerate the exfoliation of the stratum corneum and renewal of the epidermis, promote better penetration of the whitening components through the skin.
Lip plastic
Fashion influences not only clothes and accessories, but also the shapes, proportions of the body and face, and the modern beauty industry allows you to adjust your appearance to the existing canons of beauty. Today we will talk about lip augmentation and plastic surgery.
Skin protection in the mountains
If you want to spend a vacation in a ski resort, you should prepare for this in advance. You have seen fashion models in glossy magazines in breathtaking suits with luxurious flowing curls and a delicate blush on the face. But you probably
Early spring skin care
Frost and winter wind negatively affect our skin, has already told about this, and more than once. How to make your skin look its best after a harsh Russian winter?
Skin biorhythms
When we say that when choosing a cream and other cosmetic products you need to know your skin type, this does not cause any questions. But it turns out that you still need to know well the biorhythms of your skin. What is it - skin biorhythms?
Skin whitening
In cosmetology, there are now a huge number of ingredients that make up skin whitening products. They have varying degrees of whitening. Let's take a look at some of them that are among the most proven and effective.
Basic principles of whitening
Recently, we considered the causes of pigmentation, and today, in continuation of the topic, we will deal with the principles of skin whitening.
Pigmentation reasons
Who doesn't want to have perfect skin, so that there is not a single speck! But unfortunately, most people at a certain age are faced with age spots that spoil the look and mood. What is the reason for pigmentation?
Facial whitening products
Gone are the days when tanning was in vogue, a reasonable attitude towards their skin is returning, and now many are thinking about whitening the skin of the face. will take a look at beauty products and folk remedies to help bring back the whiteness of our skin.
Lemon for the beauty of our skin
The beneficial properties of lemon have been known for more than one hundred years, even yogis in ancient times attributed many beneficial properties to lemon! And today lemon helps in the fight for beauty and health, and will tell you how to properly use the gifts of this wonderful
Winter skin care
Many people do not like winter and the harsh Russian climate, for that there are good reasons - you always want to be beautiful, but in winter it is much more difficult. Especially our skin requires additional care, which will be our story today ...
Hyaluronic acid gave all her time and energy to fashion, but beauty and youth are much more important than beautiful clothes, so it's time to catch up. Every day will devote more and more publications to beauty.
Plastic surgery for believers
I was repeatedly asked a question regarding the admissibility of plastic surgery for believers. will answer once and for all - how compatible are plastic surgery and spiritual life.
Everything You Wanted to Know About Plastic Surgery
Plastic surgery is designed to make us more beautiful, but despite this, plastic surgery has a lot of opponents. Why is that?


