Beauty and anti-smoking

Many new laws have been adopted in Russia, including those on the fight against smoking, and so that opponents of the Russian state do not speak about the uselessness of these laws, in fact the laws work. Even if not to the fullest, many people are accustomed to breaking the rules and laws, but very many saw that smoking became not so comfortable, and, having gathered strength, quit.

I have many acquaintances from completely different social backgrounds, and I clearly see how many people have quit smoking lately. Some of them are ordinary people, others are successful in business, there are also creative individuals who find it most difficult to quit smoking.

People are freed from addiction, which is actually harmful. Today, many doctors and scientists have proven that smoking is harmful to life and, of course, to female beauty... Even if you see smoking beautiful women of 40-50 years old who have preserved their beauty, this does not mean in any way that smoking harms someone, but not for them.

Anti-smoking laws and beauty is the health of the nation

Smoking harms absolutely everyone, just people smoke in different ways and initially have different potential - a supply of beauty and health. Someone needs very little and it will wither away, while others can smoke for years and remain strong. Only if they did not smoke, their strength would be enough for more.

Therefore, I fully support the fight against smoking and, whenever possible, I will convince everyone that smoking is a primitive pleasure that is too expensive. Count how many packs of cigarettes you smoke per month, how much money it costs. How much does it take in a year? How many years have you been smoking, how much money have you spent?

Anti-smoking laws and beauty is the health of the nation

Money can be calculated, but it is much more difficult to calculate the health and beauty spent.

There are a lot of useful pleasures in the world, look in their direction, and forever say goodbye to this disgusting habit, especially since in the light of the new laws, smoking has become uncomfortable and not prestigious. Smoking doesn't make boys real men, and it certainly doesn't make girls prettier.

Anti-smoking laws and beauty is the health of the nation
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