Supermodel Christy Turlington, biography and best photos

Christy Turlington is a supermodel of the 90s. It was at this time that she was one of the first on the podium, and was not inferior in beauty and grace to such beauties as Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell, Claudia Schiffer, Cindy Crawford.

Christy Turlington was born in Walnut Creek (California, USA) on January 2, 1969. Christie's parents worked in an airline, mother is a flight attendant, father is a pilot. Christie has three sisters.

Christy Turlington

When Christie was only 13 years old, she did not think at all about the fashion business and did not yet notice what was becoming beautiful girl... At that time, she was interested in equestrian sports. The father encouraged the occupation of his daughter. She spent all her free time from school next to her favorites and even took part in equestrian competitions. But, as it happens in a fairy tale, so Christie had a similar thing - a meeting with the photographer of the local agency Danny Cody. He invited Christie to try to take part in the photography, however, the parents were against it. However, they were persuaded, and advertising photos of Emporium Capwell stores soon appeared. She was then paid $ 100 an hour. She tried to use this money for her main hobby - equestrian sports. And soon, despite her young age, her face became recognizable in Miami and New York. It was then that Eileen Ford, the head of the Ford Models agency, drew attention to her. She firmly decided that Christy Turlington would be a superstar in the fashion world. Thanks to her, many fashion magazines learned about Christie. But Eileen Ford did not stop there, she arranged a contract for Christie in Paris. But here something didn't work out right away. Everyone says something different, Christie herself does not like to remember this. Be that as it may, she continued her studies at school, but in her thoughts more and more often returned to the fashion business. When Christie graduated from high school, she returned to her already conceived career. model.

Christy Turlington

Only now Christie was a real beauty with green eyes, height 1.75 and perfect parameters: 86 - 56 - 89.

So she was guaranteed success on the cover of Italian Vogue in 1987. Many other magazines followed, such as Harper's Bazaar, Cosmopolitan, ELLE and Glamor.

Christy Turlington

Designers of fashion houses Versace, Chanel, Azzedine Alaia began to offer her participation in fashion shows. She has participated in many advertising campaigns for famous brands, worked in the perfume line with Calvin Kline, where she advertised the perfume "Eternity". And the firm "Maybelline" invited her to become a leading person. Famous photographers worked in this company, who perfectly mastered their skills.

Today - Christy Turlington participates in charity events, provides assistance to the support fund of El Salvador. She is still demanding of herself, devotes all of herself to creative work in the fashion business.

Christy Turlington photo

Christy Turlington

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Christy Turlington photo

Christy Turlington

Christy photo

Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington

Christy photo

Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington

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Christy Turlington


Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington photo

Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington photo

Christy Turlington

Christy Turlington photo

Christy Turlington

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