Hair care
What vitamins are useful in spring
It is usually said that by spring, due to a lack of fruits and vegetables, the body needs vitamins more than ever. But it turns out that most vitamins dissolve well in water and are quickly flushed out of the body, therefore ...
History of hairstyles in Byzantium
Byzantium is a state that has not existed for a very long time. But at the same time, the state has left a significant mark on history. After all, it was Byzantium that throughout the Middle Ages was the heir to the Roman Empire.
Hairstyles of Assyria and Babylon
Let's continue our journey into the history of hairstyles, today the hairstyles of Assyria and Babylon are next in line. This period is especially important for, because is originally the Goddess of Ancient Babalonia.
Hair beauty and diet
You probably know that following strict diets in order to get a beautiful, slim figure, we can lose the beauty of our hair. However, not only hair, in a couple of weeks, if the diet is strict, you can ...
Flaxseed oil for health and beauty
Flaxseed oil is a healing oil, the properties of which were known to the ancient Egyptians. This oil was also recommended by Hippocrates. It has long been used for ...
Wedding hairstyles
Wedding hairstyles have their own history. Traditionally, in Russia, the bride, while singing and crying her girlfriends, would unravel a girl's braid and intertwine it into two braids, and then hid the entire hairstyle under a kokoshnik.
What water should you wash your hair in?
We wash our hair with water. Does the quality of hair depend on the water we wash it with? Undoubtedly. First of all, the water must be ...
Trendy short haircuts
Even 100 years ago and earlier, women could not imagine themselves other than with long hair, but since the 1920s, short hairstyles have come into fashion, which are still relevant to this day.
Traditional Japanese hairstyles
The Japanese have borrowed many of their cultural traditions from the Chinese. So, the Japanese borrowed the tea ceremony from the Chinese, the art of writing - calligraphy, and the language itself. And also a suit and hair.
Hairstyles and headdresses of Moscow Russia
The hairstyles and headdresses of the Moscow principality changed little and retained their basic forms from the time of the founding of Moscow until the coming to power of Peter I.
Short haircuts of the early twentieth century
Fashion by the beginning of the twentieth century is changing rapidly. In the twentieth century, clothes became simpler - men began to wear suits of dark colors from comfortable fabrics, women's skirts were shortened, crinolines and corsets went out of fashion. Hairstyles are also changing.
Empire style hairstyles
The Empire style originated in France together with the formation of the French Empire during the time of Napoleon Bonaparte. And together with the defeat of Napoleon, the Empire style disappears.
Rococo hairstyles
In the 18th century, the Baroque style was replaced by a more sophisticated, but no less elegant Rococo style, which is reflected in art, interiors, clothes and hairstyles.
Baroque hairstyles
A rare girl will dare to make a baroque hairstyle, although such hairstyles are not only volume and abundant decoration, but also femininity. Therefore, it is worth trying, at least for a photo shoot or a holiday.
Renaissance hairstyles
The Renaissance epoch is closer in spirit to our time than the Middle Ages, because with the advent of the Renaissance in art and fashion, the human body, and not his soul, again became the center of the universe.
Medieval Hairstyles - Gothic
The Gothic style originated in France in the XII-XIII centuries. Gothic is reflected in all spheres of life, including hairstyles.
Medieval Hairstyles - Romanesque
The Middle Ages can equally well be considered both the Dark Ages and the period of fairy tales - about beautiful princesses and courageous princes. In any case, like any other period of human history, the Middle Ages were different - and not black, and
Hair oils
The fashion for oils came from the East. Argan oil, macadamia, almond, avocado and many other oils have long been used by oriental beauties to prolong youth and beauty.


