Cosmetics and makeup
Oriflame history
In the 90s, Russia opened up to the whole world, and various goods flooded the country. In those days, network marketing became widespread. Through this sales system, they tried to sell anything, but over time, boys with big
Choosing the right lipstick
For a long time, bright, juicy lips have been an extremely attractive factor for men and a real weapon of seduction for women. Correctly selected lipstick is capable of extraordinarily beautifying the face - making it brighter, or vice versa, softer. but
Estee Lauder cosmetics
The history of the creation of the cosmetics company Estee Lauder and the biography of its founder Estee Lauder.
La Mer cosmetics
What can be in common between cosmetics and astrophysics? Nothing? This is the wrong answer. In fact, cosmetics and astrophysics are connected much more than it might seem at first glance. And at first glance, I think that many have already guessed
Mary Kay success story
The Mary Kay story is not so much a beauty story as a success story. A completely American success story, in which there is a desire to make money, and an emphasis on feminism and the struggle for women's rights, and, of course, a magic formula
Self-tanning at home and in the salon
I have extremely fair skin and have avoided the sun for many years. At times, in the midst of summer, they tell me - "you at least occasionally need to leave your office." This does not bother me in any way, and even amuses me, because looking in the mirror, I do not see any
Peeling and scrubs at home
Going to the sea - the ocean, or to the river near our house, we want to get a beautiful, even tan. Depending on what kind of skin you have, you can pre-peel the body, and then the tan will lie perfectly evenly. The main thing to consider
Dog Beauty - Dog Nail Polish!
Today you will not surprise anyone with an ordinary beauty contest, there are so many of them that very few people attach importance, and there are fewer people willing to take part. Beauty contests for cats and dogs are also not uncommon. But here are beauty services and decorative
Loreal - We deserve it!
There are many cosmetic companies in the world, but among all this set, two successful and well-known ones stand out, Estee Lauder and L'Oreal. Today, many scold them, but let's remember how it all began, and than before
How to sunbathe in the sun?
I am characterized by a careful attitude towards myself, I almost never sunbathe, but even the sun finds me during my rest. As a result, during my recent vacation (holidays - Russia Day), the sun dealt with me very harshly - literally burned
Grape seed oil for women and men
Every women's website and glossy magazine probably told about the benefits of olive oil. Olive oil is really healthy, but it is not the only one, today we can buy many other natural products that are a source of beauty and health.
The most beautiful nose
Many girls and young women suffer from what they think is an ugly nose. However, this suffering is most often unfounded. Agree, most people have a nose that is far from ideal. But this is precisely the beauty
How to remove bruises under the eyes without Photoshop
The opinion that bruises under the eyes are the result of stormy sleepless nights and regular parties is only partially true. In fact, there are a lot of reasons for the formation of dark circles, and we will talk about some of them in this publication.
Natural cosmetics: myth or reality?
Natural silk, natural wool, these materials have been used to create clothes for a long time. Today, completely natural fabrics are rare, and not even because they are too expensive. Everything is much simpler by adding synthetic fabric to the fabric.
Artificial and natural beauty
There are many sites and communities on the Internet about beauty, fashion and style, these sites are interesting for people who are not indifferent to their life, appearance, as well as success in earthly affairs. There are also entertainment sites, they are especially loved by those who need to kill somehow.
Reviews of cosmetics and perfumes
Do you read reviews about cosmetics and perfumes, as well as other products before buying? I read and sometimes find really useful information, but at times I come across not at all what I need, about this and much more - how to conduct
Max Factor Cosmetics started with a store in Ryazan
The Max Factor brand is one of the most recognizable brands on the cosmetics market today. At the same time, Max Factor is associated with the United States, in much the same way as the Coca-Cola brand, although initially this cosmetics did not have to the United States
How to improve complexion
If you look at paintings by painters of the distant past, read books by authors of those years, you will notice that the Russian beauties of those times literally glow with purity and freshness. And today, now, many of us can boast of a radiant face and


