Cocoa butter - properties and applications in cosmetology
Cocoa is a sweet drink that significantly reduces the risk of heart disease. This is due to the content of polyphenols in cocoa powder, which have anti-inflammatory properties. However, do not think that this is an ordinary semi-finished product - a mixture
Taurine in cosmetics - the benefits and harms of taurine
Taurine effectively protects the skin from wilting, stimulates cell renewal, and helps to get rid of toxins. And all this helps to keep the skin young and healthy, elastic and toned for many years. Therefore, let's take a closer look at
What you need to know from the history of skin creams
The history of skin creams begins in ancient times, when our ancestors began to wash and cleanse the skin, to protect it from the vagaries of the weather and evil spirits. At the same time, they tried to make their appearance attractive. Only all their means had
The best summer skin care products
The long-awaited summer will begin very soon, and although the weather is not hot yet, now is the time to think about summer cosmetics ...
Sesame oil useful properties and contraindications
For many millennia, man has been striving to unravel the secrets of nature, to learn wisdom from her. It is nature that gives us harmony, health and beauty. However, sadly, most of us cannot boast of our health and
Effective anti-cellulite ingredients
Many times, when summer is approaching, looking at ourselves in the mirror, we are often unhappy with our appearance. It seems that everything is clear without the weights, they put on weight again ...
What you need to know about cosmetics with allantoin
Many brands in their cosmetic products use unique chemical components that prolong youth and beauty, and among them there is a component called allantoin ...
What creams and oils to use before bed
Beauty is often the result of hard work on yourself. Sometimes working on our beauty requires a lot of effort, but there is also a pleasant care during sleep. Before plunging into the world of dreams, take care of your skin, because it is at night
How to sunbathe - the main misconceptions about tanning
Tanning has similarities with alcohol - everyone knows about the dangers of excessive tanning and alcohol consumption, but many people around the world cannot give up these pleasures ...
Treatment of rosacea at home
First of all, let us explain what is rosacea? These are the vascular asterisks that appear on the face, legs and hips and, of course, are completely undesirable. Why do spider veins appear?
What you need to know about retinol cosmetics
Retinol (vitamin A) is part of many anti-aging products that activate collagen production, control skin pigmentation, fight wrinkles, so products with retinol will definitely appear in your cosmetics collection after
The best anti-aging cosmetics - researching the ingredients
After a certain age, we no longer want to grow up, on the contrary, we are trying in every possible way to hide this very age and stop time, with which it is more and more difficult to fight. Anti-aging cosmetics made from the right ingredients will help in this fight ...
Proper lip care at home
For lips to always be beautiful and sensual, it is not at all necessary to resort to the help of specialists and visit expensive beauty salons. You just need to regularly care for your lips ...
Azelaic acid and its effect on the skin
Azelaic acid is a unique component that is actively used in the production of many cosmetics aimed at combating pigmentation, inflammation and acne, as well as ...
How to tighten the oval of the face at home
Violation of the outline of the oval of the face. When and for what reasons does this age marker appear? When do the chin and cheeks sink and lose clarity and tone? That this is an action of gravity or a consequence of excess weight, or maybe ...
How to get rid of wrinkles around the eyes?
During the day, the eyes and muscles of the eyelids make thousands of movements - reflecting emotions, squinting from the sun and wind, and just blinking. If this number is multiplied by the years you have lived, then it becomes clear that sooner or later this part of our face will give out
Causes of muscle sagging and how to prevent sagging
Decreased blood circulation in the skin, decreased collagen synthesis and dehydration lead to flabbiness. What can help our body, and how to prevent flabbiness?
Who is contraindicated to get tattoos has already talked about medical contraindications, and today we will consider aesthetic ones, and decide which girls do not want to get tattoos ...


