Psychology and relationships
Coping with postpartum depression
Today we will try to figure out how to recognize and overcome postpartum depression. Maria Lisutina, a plastic surgeon, an expert on the recovery of women after childbirth will help us with this ...
How to become confident and popular in school and life
Many adults try to remake their lives, but few succeed. In childhood and adolescence, this is easier and more difficult to do at the same time. It's easier for you to change, but you lack knowledge. In this publication I will tell you what to do to become
Why Oversize is life-threatening
Today we will try to understand how clothing style can affect quality of life and success. Can style help in life and, conversely, bring problems with disappointment? Can Oversize Style really hurt life ...
20 habits that get in the way of happiness
I don't like success-oriented articles too much. All these "15 ways to achieve your goal" or "25 reasons that prevent you from being successful" are texts that simplify the perception of reality and reduce the goal of life to the idea of ​​material well-being. But there is
7 ways to beat depression in autumn
With the arrival of the cold autumn-winter season, many people note various ailments - they are mercilessly attacked by the autumn blues, depression and real viruses. Many people lose courage and constantly complain of oppressive melancholy, and even loss of strength. Girls
How to lose weight forever - the most radical and effective method!
Recently, an impression has been created - the more information about diets and proper nutrition on the Internet, the more fat people in reality! is not going to join the race to multiply diets and weight loss methods. Instead, I will share with
Love and perfect relationships in the near future
In the 21st century, more and more people are experiencing difficulties in their personal lives. For many, creating a family, raising children, and even just a serious relationship becomes something like an unattainable dream. But in the future, everything will change ...
Love and deception on dating sites
Review of the book "Scammers Like You оr / or Love is a deceiving country" about dating on the Internet, love and fraud ...
Life married to an Italian - personal impressions has talked many times about Italian style, art and traditions, and today we will talk about the life of the most ordinary Italian family.
Real and fictional life on the Internet
The Internet star and successful model has deleted her page on the social network. Such headlines are more and more common in various media. Let's see why girls delete pages with hundreds of thousands of subscribers….
Myths about the benefits of sex
Mass media, journalists and various public figures, experts and specialists broadcast to us various truths and dictate to the population how to live. wishes to show the fallacy of many teachings and ideas, with one very famous example.
How to deal with depression in fall and winter
In autumn and winter, there is not enough sunlight, and the sun is known to be a strong antidepressant, but our autumn rains and winter blizzards should not be blamed for everything. After all, without them it is impossible to appreciate the warmth and beauty of spring and summer.
When is it time to change friends?
Love and friendship are one of the main values ​​in human life, but friends do not always bring real benefits to our lives. Today we will try to figure out why this happens and when it comes time to change friends.
Family or freedom respects the family, because only in a full-fledged family can children grow up, and children are our future. But today we will not talk about the family, but about family and free people, their views on the opposite position in life.
When old age comes
The material world is arranged in such a way that from the very birth everything grows old. Flowers grow old and wither, cats grow old and stop frolicking, time spares no one! How to live and where to get energy and stimulus for life when old age comes?
Beauty stereotypes and freedom
We live in a society where there are a lot of conventions, laws, rules and stereotypes that relate to all areas of our life, including beauty. Let's philosophize on this topic ...
Social circle - friends and relatives adores fashionable clothes, cosmetics and perfumes, but not the beauty of a single person is alive. An important aspect of life is the relationship between people - love, family, friendship, communication of interests and business cooperation. This is what our new will be about.


